Divide the ingredients up between the two mason jars. Add the cucumbers to the jars and add in the garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, fresh dill and tea leaves.
Make the brine and pour into the mason jars, covering the pickles completely.
Weigh the cucumbers down by using a clean rock, a small ramekin or any other thing you can find in your house. I used a plastic lid and then put a glass ramekin on top of that to hold them down. It's super important for them to stay submerged under the brine or they will mold.
Seal with a lid or cover with a cloth to keep bugs out.
After 4-5 days, check a cucumber to see if its ready.
The pickles are ready when they smell like pickle heaven, the brine turns cloudy and the cucumbers turn a yellow/olive green.
Recipe by Fermented Food Lab at https://www.fermentedfoodlab.com/how-to-make-crunchy-pickles/