Are you ready for a change? Tired of your addiction to sugar, have noticed that as you age, your skin has become duller and just doesn’t have the same glow as it did a few years ago, weight is harder to keep off and your body overall has become less resilient?
Well, I felt the same way too.
You see, most of my late twenties I had a pretty healthy diet. I read many health books and followed their guidelines during the week. But when it came to weekends, it seemed that I would get amnesia and completely forget that…
- I had food sensitivities and
- hangovers suck.
Hey, I was still learning. In fact I have been known to occasionally get amnesia on the weekends in my 30s too, but those are far and few between now.
My late 20s was a time of huge personal growth and challenges. I was starting to understand who I was and It was a time of many firsts. I was single for the first time in six years, lived in my very own apartment for the first time AND for the first time, my youthful skin from my teens and twenties was starting to fade away.
I was what you can call a “weekday health freak”. I made healthy choices on the weekday, but not on the weekend.
So, I took a step back and looked at how my lifestyle was affecting my health. And no surprise, I was eating poorly and drinking too much on the weekends. Hey! I was single in San Diego and having a great time! But I had to change, because it was taking my body almost the entire week to recover from my weekends of sleep deprivation, bad eating and drinking.
Fermented Foods Can Heal
Over the last 5 years or so I’ve changed my diet to focus on nutrient rich foods, heavy in vegetables and reduced foods that caused me problems (dairy, bread, alcohol).
I saw the most significant changes in my health when I started eating fermented foods daily.
Adding these foods to my diet has improved my energy, my skin, moods and autoimmune disease (psoriasis).
If you are trying to lose weight or eat a nutrient rich diet, eating fermented foods is a must. They will complement any new diet, help manage sugar cravings, reduce bloating and detox and cleanse your gut.
Dr. Mercola explains the benefits of fermented foods as…
Fermented foods are chock-full of probiotics or good bacteria. A myriad of research has demonstrated how the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut forms the foundation for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
- Eating fermented foods daily will strengthen your immune system, reduce bloating and control weight.
- Can heal a multitude of health issues including leaky gut, IBS, weight loss, lead to clearer skin and better immune system.
How often should I eat fermented foods?
Fermented foods are full of probiotic bacteria. Introducing them to your gut for the first time can cause bloating, gas or diarrhea. If you are new to eating fermented foods, start slow and work your way up to eating them daily with every meal.
Start with 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut or 1 pickle. See how you feel and if you don’t have any tummy trouble, double your serving. Continue this until you can eat a serving with each meal.
You can eat as much sauerkraut and pickles as you like throughout the day.
Have you experienced positive changes in your life by adding fermented foods to your diet? Let me know in the comments below.
This website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I am not a medical doctor nor a trained nutritionist. This website is not intended to be used as medical advice. Always check with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or exercise program.